Everhour vs Timely

An alternative to Everhour’s manual timers

G2 4.8 out of 5 rating score

“I was looking at Everhour, but I can't be bothered to manually track time on a per task basis. I just want something that watches my actions throughout the day without me needing to manually initiate individual timers each time. ”

Andrea via Typeform

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What makes Timely the best Everhour alternative?

Offering automatic time tracking, Timely is quite a step up from Everhour’s basic manual reporting. Instead of making you consciously track time on every task and plug in notes, Timely captures everything you work on down to the second! Here are a few reasons why Everhour users switch to Timely.

Timely is accurate, flexible, enjoyable time tracking.

An alternative to Everhour’s manual timers

Feel Andrea’s pain? You’re not alone. Almost every time tracking app currently on the market shares Everhour’s essential design error: manual timer input.

Constantly starting and stopping timers is an unnatural and inefficient way to track time — particularly if you regularly hop between projects or responsibilities. You only log the activities you remember working on, leading to incomplete timesheets . This subjectivity itself breeds extreme inaccuracy — even if you remember to log your hours every day, studies show that timesheets that rely on manual input are only ever 67% accurate.

In this context, Everhour’s integrations and broad feature set matter relatively little. Ultimately, a robust time tracking solution should satisfy a very basic purpose: capturing hours as accurately and as easily as possible.

Try Timely today!
Discover the power of Timely's automated time tracking now!
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Accurately billing
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Project profitability
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Strict anti-surveillance policy
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