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Track time spent on project planning and keep projects in sync.

Timely automatic time tracker icon

Time Tracking for Asana 

Delivery and project management teams have moved to asynchronous collaboration tools like Asana to improve productivity across projects. However, when projects are delayed, you want to know which activities created unnecessary work. 

In Timely, you can track the time spent on completed Asana projects and tasks, and use this information to estimate the duration of projects or to bill your time accurately to clients. You’ll need the time tracking Asana integration for this purpose, which is available on all plans.

Can Asana track time? 

Yes, it can, but it’s a new feature and very clunky. Manual start-stop timers and no intelligence behind it.

But that’s not a bad thing. Asana is the gold standard when it comes to project management. They’re experts in helping teams collaborate cross-functionally and asynchronously. What their software excels at will enable you and your team to stay on track with deliverable work. Whether it’s billable or not.

As it stands project managers are expected to spend around 10-20% of their time on their project management tools… this time soon adds up and understanding how they can optimize their time is paramount to running effective projects.

How can you track project management time in Asana? 

The time tracking integration is available on all plans. The time spent on Asana projects appears on your private Memory timeline inside Timely throughout the day. Each Asana activity — or “memory” — will detail all the tasks you completed, as well as the time you completed them. If you complete multiple tasks within 10 minutes, they will be combined into one Memory. 

Tracking task completion in Asana helps managers estimate projects more accurately.  Accurate estimates are a requirement for reliable project planning and predicting future profitability. 

What are the benefits of tracking time in Asana

Improve project estimations

  • Under-estimating project timelines creates unexpected costs for your business and will impact team workload
  • Repeated under-estimation will lead to delays and missed deadlines
  • PMs who understand how long it takes to plan and manage projects are in a better position to manage the team delivering more effectively
  • Combined with other tools such as Trello, Todoist and MS Teams, the Asana integration builds a rounded picture of active time spent on planning and completing projects


Better data delivers better operational efficiency, which delivers more profits. If you're a business which charges by the hour, accurate forecasting of capacity and delivery will let you know exactly how much time you have available to deliver the work.

Further, juggling billable vs non-billable work becomes a breeze and you're able to segment the time into separate buckets in Timely, allowing for full transparency.

Once you’ve established delivery capacities within the team, you’ll then be able to keep your clients fully informed and up to date, resultingi n greater client satisfaction.

Optimize how you deliver projects 

Project management is different from project delivery. Asana is designed for project management - it helps you plan, brief, and assign deliverables. Timely adds the project control dimension - by helping you stay on top of time, people resources, and cost constraints.

Used together, Timely and Asana cover all of your needs for delivering projects on time and on budget. They’re the perfect pair. That’s why we created a sync integration between the two. When you keep projects, tasks, and project collaborators in sync, the time spent on work is automatically tracked in Timely against the right Asana items.  

A complete automation loop is formed, freeing up the time you would have spent on admin and systems management. 

Who can make the most of the two Asana time tracking and sync integrations?

  • Companies that bill by the hour
  • Digital agencies, consultants, accountants
  • Remote teams
  • Project management consultants
  • Project delivery managers, Operations managers, project management managers
This integration is used only to track the time spent on Asana and create memories for completed tasks, but does not sync projects with Timely – for example, if you build an Asana board, it will not be created in Timely.
API used
Asana API


Anyone with a Asana account can set up this integration.


Completed Tasks with

  • Title
  • Time of completion
All plans