Timesheets vs Timely
An alternative to Timesheets’ manual timers
Trusted by 5000+ businesses globally
Capture every billable second in your business
Reduce time tracking admin by 75%
What makes Timely the best Timesheets alternative?
Offering automatic time tracking, Timely is quite a step up from Timesheets’ heavily manual functionality. Instead of making you plug in everything you work on, Timely captures time on every task, precise to the second. Crucially, it actually protects employee privacy and is 100% free of dystopian spying features. Here are a few reasons why Timesheets users switch to Timely.
An alternative to Timesheets’ manual timers
Share Helena’s pain? You’re not alone. Almost every time tracking app currently on the market shares Timesheets’ essential design error: manual timer input.
Constantly starting and stopping timers is an unnatural and inefficient way to track time — particularly if you regularly hop between projects or responsibilities. It also leaves you extremely vulnerable to expensive inaccuracies . Even if you remember to log your hours every day, studies show that timesheets that rely on manual input are only ever 67% accurate.
Timesheets also has some questionable features which undermine employee trust . Timesheets’ geo-location tagging feature allows managers to capture the locations of employees clocking in on mobile, and the Photo Timestamp functionality is advertised to give employers “extra security” from supposedly shirking employees by accessing their laptop webcam to take a photo of them.
In this context, Timesheet’s additional time off and PTO features matter relatively little. Ultimately, a robust time tracking solution should satisfy a very basic purpose: capturing hours as accurately and easily without destroying team trust and culture.