Time tracking
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Recording 20% more billable hours

Recording 20% more billable hours

Have you ever wondered how much time slips through the cracks in your workweek, especially when it comes to billable hours? It turns out, it's a common challenge. In fact, billable hours, which are crucial for profitability, often remain poorly documented in various organizations.

The study

According to a study by tribes.ai, manual time tracking methods contribute to a significant time leakage problem. They found that as much as 1 in 5 billable hours can go unrecorded when relying on traditional tracking approaches. That's a substantial chunk of potential revenue lost in the abyss of inaccurate timekeeping.

How much Timely can save you

By automating the process, Timely ensures that every single billable hour is captured faster and more accurately than ever before.

Now, let's crunch some numbers to see just how impactful Timely can be for your bottom line. Assume that 80% of your 35-hour workweek is billable, and your hourly rate is $80. With Timely in the picture, you could potentially recover lost time that's fallen through the cracks. How much are we talking about? Brace yourself – it could be as much as $448 per week.

Think about that for a moment. Timely isn't just a tool; it's a game-changer that can significantly boost your billable hours. The return on investment is not just good; it's phenomenal. In fact, it's like paying for Timely 22 times over. Now, that's what we call maximizing your billable hours while simplifying your workload.


So, if you're tired of losing valuable billable hours and want to take control of your time tracking, Timely might just be the solution you've been looking for. It's not just about the numbers; it's about creating value and working healthily. 

Try Timely today!
Discover the power of Timely's automated time tracking now!
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